After Care Facial

Aftercare – Facials
*Avoid applying make-up to the area*Do not undertake any other facial skincare treatments within 48 hours of having a Facial*Avoid direct heat, such as sauna, hot bath, shower, or hot hairdryer.*Avoid UV treatments or sun exposure*Do not apply any other exfoliating skincare products for 72 hours after having a Facial*Do not apply perfume or perfumed products to the treated area within 48 hours of having a Facial*Undertake any other facial skincare treatments within 48 hours of having your treatment*Protect your skin in harsh climates.

Like the cold and hot sun. Use products that have a SPF.*Always cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face; to prevent loss of moisture, protect the skin from make-up and keep the skin soft and supple*Always remove all traces of make-up at the end of the day*Drink plenty of water (Recommended 6-8 glasses per day)*Eat a healthy, balanced diet – Include at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables*Avoid smoking and alcohol*Do not apply any other exfoliating skincare products for 72 hours after having a Facial*Use the correct products for your skin type*For long term results book in for regular monthly facial treatment*Feel free to consult me, should you have any concerns.*If redness or irritation occurs, apply a cold compress or cooling spray to the area. Seek GP assistance if it doesn’t improve in 24hrs.